Brooklyn Audi Repair

Audi is currently one of the most powerful, luxurious and well made cars on the road today. ;A subsidiary of Volkswagen, Audi and VW's carry several of the same engines, requiring many of the same specialized troubleshooting skills. As these cars become more fuel efficient, they also become more complex, which requires a new class of automotive technician. Proper Audi maintenance requires specialized training and tools and above all else, experience. You'll find L & M Foreign Cars is ready and capable of correctly diagnosing and repairing any issues your Audi has.

Audi Maintenance
Checking fluids is an essential part of driving. To ensure your car is always in safe drivable condition always remember to check these fluids: Engine oil, Transmission oil, brake Fluid, windshield fluid, and antifreeze. Oil is the lifeblood of a car. Changing your oil and oil filter regularly is the single most important thing you can do for your car. Replacing Cabin filters, air filters, brake lining, multi-rib belts and timing belts is also necessary to properly maintain your Audi. Changing them at the correct intervals will help ensure long trouble free use of your car.


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